Genshin Impact News, Weekly Compensation for Delayed Version 2.7 Update

Starting from Primogem and other items you can get from this compensation
After yesterday the players from Genshin Impact were shocked by the extension of the Kamisato Ayaka banner which lasted for approximately 8 months, now there is another new announcement for you from Hoyoverse.
This time through the official Hoyoverse website, they announced that there would be compensation given to players for the delay in updating version 2.7.
In my own opinion, I actually never thought that compensation needed to be done considering the cause of this delay due to the ongoing Covid-19 outbreak.
But from here, the players, of course, can judge for themselves that the developer from Genshin Impact, Hoyoverse, really respects you.
I think they just need to provide content to fill the void due to the update delay, but they prefer to do it more by compensating the players of this game.
From here maybe the thought that Hoyoverse is a stingy developer can be broken, now they are distributing primogems to players, and they will continue to do that until they can update to version 2.7.

Starting on May 11, 2022 Hoyoverse will distribute a number of compensations to all Genshin Impact players every week until they can update version 2.7.
Every week, players will receive compensation in the form of 400 primogems, 1 fragile resin, 7 hero's wit, 16 Enhancement Ore, and 120,000 Mora.
If the period between the 2.7 Version update and the previous weekly compensation for delayed update is less than a week, the final weekly compensation will be adjusted accordingly.
This compensation will only be given to players who reach Adventure Rank 5 or above before or on May 11, 2022, so make sure your account has reached at least Adventure Rank 5.
Starting from 2022/05/11, we will issue compensation to all Travelers via in-game mail every Wednesday at 04:00 (Server Time).
The first compensation will be issued on 2022/05/11 4:00. The mail will expire after 30 days, so don't forget to claim the attached compensation in time.
With this compensation, of course, the players can be very helpful, especially for those of you who are currently experiencing rate off.
Let's hope that the situation will improve and Covid 19 can be resolved soon so that all activities can run smoothly.
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